
Kenrick Lincoln Martinez Sr

I was born at Libertad Village, Corozal District on the 30th of January 1984. Father’s name Cristobal Martinez and my mother was a housewife who once fancied sewing. Mother passed away in 1987 in a traffic accident; father is 76 years old born 30th July 1945. He raised myself and my 5 sisters. We all attended Libertad Methodist Primary School located in the Corozal District.  

I graduated from Libertad Methodist Primary school -1997, graduated from Gwen Lizarraga High School (Diploma in Academic Course) of Study-2001. I joined the Belize Defence Force in 2004 after successfully completed a degree in Mathematics and Applied Science at the University of Belize (UB). One week after graduation I joined the Belize Defence Force and was appointed Officer Cadet on the 21st June 2004.

 After recruit training, I completed several local infantry courses.  I received a commission to the rank of Second Lieutenant in 2006 after completing Royal Marines Commando Officer Training (Lympstone United Kingdom), got promoted to lieutenant in 2008, and subsequently to Captain 2012. From 2004-2012 I completed courses such as Jungle Warfare Instructor Course, Field Firing Qualification, Junior Non-commissioned Course, and Section Commanders. International courses are as follows: Advance Tracking at Brunei, Counter Terrorism (Joint Special Operations University, Tampa, Florida), Operation Planning Process (Colombia), and Commando Jungla (Colombia).

From 2013-2017 I was the Officer Commanding Belize’s Special Operation Task Force (SOTF) where I worked closely with the Belize Coast Guard, Belize Mobile Interdiction Team, and learnt the planning process from the Operation Detachment Alpha (ODA) who were unable to “play”, but solely trained SOTF.

2017-2018 Officer Commanding Echo Company and was operational in the Southern Belize.

2018-2019 was posted back to BSAG

2019-2021 posted to Training Company.

2022 posted to Gulf Company as Officer Commanding.

2022-2023 posted to Force Operation Officer (G3)

2023-2024 posted to First Infantry Battalion as Executive Officer (XO)

When not at work I enjoy spending quality time with my supportive wife Sheena Melanie Martinez. I met my wife in 2002 and got married on the 28th June, 2008. We have 2 sons, Khale Martinez, Kenrick Lincoln Martinez Jr, and a daughter Khaleena Vilma Maureen Martinez.  My wife and I also raised my nephew Herman Castillo who is presently a soldier. As a family, our interests include country lifestyle, cooking, football (soccer), reading, suduku, chess, gymnasium (running), and nature scenes.  

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